On April 7, 2024, students from local synagogues and adults of all ages gathered to learn the stories of a few of the 2,100+ people buried here with Greater Trenton connections. Please donate to support our ongoing effort to educate young people about their Jewish heritage, and to maintain and restore these sacred grounds. Photos: Sara Pinkus
GTJCP Founding Member Albert Stark asked the students to stand and face the older audience. “You are the past,” he told the adults. Facing the kids, he said “you are the future, and we’re counting on you to carry on our region’s outstanding Jewish heritage.”
Bella Moss told the story of her great-grandmother, Erna Weissman.Elio Massa shared the story of his great-grandfather, Myer Elefant, as Rabbi Adina Blum (in background) records the presentation. Elio became a Bar Mitzvah six days later.GTJCP Founding Member Arthur Finkle shared stories of his ancestors buried at the cemeteries.GTJCP Founding Member Lynne Azarchi (right) listened as Ava Moss told the story of great-grandfather Abraham Mandelbaum.Any Stark shared the story of her grandparents buried at the cemeteries.Paul Schindel discussed the symbology of tree-shaped headstones, which signify a life cut short.Rabbi Matt Nover and students examined a massive fallen headstone.
Donate, please, for the sake of our ancestors’ living legacy.